Make Every Contact Count (MECC) and Transition to Practice for pre-registered learners at T&G ICFT - recording

Make Every Contact Count (MECC) and Transition to Practice for pre-registered learners at T&G ICFT - presentation

NW RePAIR 'Lunch and Learn' webinar series, Session 3 "Psychological safety: what does it mean?" - recording

NW RePAIR 'Lunch and Learn' webinar series, Session 3 "Psychological safety in the practice learning environment" - presentation

NW RePAIR 'Lunch and Learn' webinar series, Session 2 "Psychological contracting and generational gap in the practice learning environment" - recording

NW RePAIR 'Lunch and Learn' webinar series, Session 1 "Learners' expectations and experiences of practice" (presentation)

NW RePAIR ‘Lunch and Learn’ webinar series, Session 1: “Learners' expectations and experiences of practice”

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: Centring the Experience of Learners - presentation (Leone)

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: Centring the Experience of Learners - recording

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: Centring the Experience of Learners - Mentimeter

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: Centring the Experience of Learners - presentation (David)

‘What good looks like’ – Managing Medicines in adult social care - recording

‘What good looks like’ – Managing Medicines in adult social care - Useful links and contact details

‘What good looks like’ – Managing Medicines in adult social care - presentation

Developing a vertically integrated course on CT instruction for a medical undergraduate programme - recording

Developing a vertically integrated course on CT instruction for a medical undergraduate programme - presentation

Implementing the NMC’s English language requirements - what does it mean? - recording

Implementing the NMC’s English language requirements - what does it mean? - presentation

Using Microsoft Teams to deliver large-scale Interprofessional Education Simulation - recording

Using Microsoft Teams to deliver large-scale Interprofessional Education Simulation - presentation

Greater Manchester Cancer Academy - website

Greater Manchester Cancer Academy - education across the system - presentation

Greater Manchester Cancer Academy - education across the system - recording

North West Digital Clinical Placement Hub - platform and model design - recording