Pathology Portal

Reproductive Science

Reproductive Science - Clinical Embryology images of human preimplantation embryos - blastocyst 113 hours post insemination

Reproductive Science - Clinical Embryology - image of human preimplantation blastocyst at 115 hours post insemination

Reproductive Science - Clinical Embryology images of human preimplantation embryos - blastocyst starting to hatch

Reproductive Science - Clinical Embryology images of human preimplantation embryos - blastocyst almost fully hatched

Reproductive Science - Clinical Embryology images of human preimplantation embryos - 2nd polar body extrusion

Reproductive Science - Clinical Embryology images of human preimplantation embryos - 2-cell embryo

Reproductive Science - Clinical Embryology images of human preimplantation embryos - Blastocyst

Reproductive Science - Clinical Embryology images of human preimplantation embryos - 4-cell embryo

Reproductive Science - Clinical Embryology images of human preimplantation embryos - 2PN

Oocyte with one pronucleus

Reproductive Science - Clinical Embryology images of human preimplantation embryos