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North East Ambulance Service (NEAS) e-Learning

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340 ACT Awareness

340 Eyes on the Baby - Strand 3

340 Eyes on the Baby - Strand 2

340 Eyes on the Baby - Strand 1

340 NEAS Safeguarding Adults Level 3

340 NEAS Safeguarding Children Level 2 PTS

340 NEAS Safeguarding Children Level 3

340 NEAS Communication Support

340 NEAS Diabetes Awareness

340 NEAS Integrated Care Assistant (ICA) Upskill

340 NEAS Incident Reporting TEMP

340 IPC L2 Temp

340 Fire Safey Temp

340 Medicines Management TEMP

340 NEAS Safeguarding Adults Level 2

340 Handling Complaints at NEAS

340 NEAS Incident Reporting

340 Specialist Operations Response Team (SORT)

340 NEAS Siren content authors training

340 NEAS Business Continuity Plan

340 NEAS Safeguarding Children Level 2 EOC

340 NEAS Safeguarding Adults Level 2 (2022)

340 NEAS Working in a Position of Trust

340 NEAS Medicines Management

340 NEAS Mental Health - Level 2

340 NEAS Mental Health - Level 1

340 NEAS Loggist Training

340 NEAS Infection Prevention & Control Level 2

340 NEAS Infection Prevention & Control Level 1

340 NEAS Healthcare Waste Management

340 NEAS End of Life Care - Health Advisors

340 NEAS Freedom to Speak Up - Level 2

340 NEAS Freedom to Speak Up - Level 1

340 NEAS Fire Safety - Level 1

340 NEAS Fraud Awareness

340 NEAS Emergency Preparedness Resilience Response (EPRR)

340 NEAS End of Life Care - Level 2

340 NEAS End of Life Care - Level 1

340 NEAS eCare- Urinalysis & Wound Care

340 NEAS Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

340 NEAS End of Life Care - Dispatch

340 NEAS Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

340 NEAS Business Continuity Management

340 HFMA VAT in The NHS

340 HFMA Understanding Annual Accounts

340 HFMA Service Line Management

340 HFMA Provider Bodies Financial Regime

340 HFMA Procurement in the NHS

340 HFMA Primary Care Finance

340 HFMA Preparing Annual Reports

340 HFMA Practice Manager Award

340 HFMA Personal Health Budgets

340 HFMA Performance Management

340 HFMA NHS Governance

340 HFMA NHS Finance

340 HFMA NHS Costing

340 Information Asset Owner and Administrator Responsibilities

340 HFMA NHS Cost Improvement

340 HFMA NHS Commissioning

340 Climate Change

340 HFMA NHS Charities

340 HFMA NHS Capital Expenditure

340 HFMA NHS Business Cases

340 NCSC Cyber Security Training

340 HFMA NHS Budgeting

340 HFMA Making Payments

340 HFMA Internal and External Audit

340 HFMA Best Use of Limited Resources in the NHS

340 HFMA Integrated Healthcare

340 HFMA How Provider Organisations are Paid

340 HFMA Introductory Award in Healthcare Finance

340 NEAS Nature of Concern

340 NHS Pathways Release 28.2.0

340 NEAS Peer Vaccinator Videos

340 NEAS Open Fractures

340 NEAS Community First Responders

340 NEAS Communications Support Guide