Learning Resources for Clinical Informatics Pharmacy Professionals

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00_01 Introduction to the Edward Jenner Programme: Leadership Foundations

01_01 Introduction to Leadership and LeAD

01_01 Workforce Planning in a System

01_02 Introduction to the Medical/Clinical Leadership Competency Framework

02_01 Developing Networks

02_01 Introduction to CLCF: Demonstrating Personal Qualities

02_03 Team Roles and Personality

02_04 Feedback for Personal Development

02_06 Dealing with Stress

02_07 Errors and Experiences in Healthcare

02_08 Managing Personal and Professional Development

02_09 Using Best Practice to Improve Healthcare

02_10 Using Policy and Guidance to Ensure Effective Healthcare

02_11 The Challenge of Probity

03_01 Introduction to CLCF: Working with Others

03_02 Leadership Styles

03_04 Effective Team Working

04_001 - Clinical Risk Management Training: Refresher

04_01 Ensuring Patient Safety

04_01 Introduction to CLCF: Managing Services

04_02 Critically Evaluating

04_04 NHS Structure and Healthcare Organisations

04_06 Financial Costs and Pressures

04_07 Business Planning

04_08 Responsibilities to Colleagues

04_09 Ensuring Development and Learning

04_10 Day to Day Management

04_11 Organisational Performance

04_12 Health and Safety Legislation

04_13 Employment Legislation

04_14 Project Management

05_01 Introduction to CLCF: Improving Services

05_02 Creativity and New Solutions

05_03 The Impact of Introducing Change

05_04 Evaluating Impact

05_04 Introduction to Quality Improvement

05_05 Quality Improvement and Patient Safety

05_06 Minimising Risk in Healthcare Organisations

05_09 Clinical Governance

05_10 Monitoring Systems of Care

06_02 Decisions: How they are Made

06_03 Communicating in Organisations

06_04 Listening to Patients' Experiences

06_05 Collecting Data and Information for Healthcare

06_07 Accountability in Healthcare Organisations

06_11 The Future of Leadership in Healthcare

An Introduction to Clinical Informatics

Collective Leadership - working within teams

Dictionary of dm+d- Unlock Safer Care

Getting Started: Projects and Change

Introduction to Benefits Management

Introduction to Change Management

Introduction to Human Factors and patient safety

Key Ingredients for Project Success

Kings Fund - Leadership for Population Health - course

Leadership academy

Listen Up - Training for all Managers

Project Leadership: The Role of the Senior Responsible Owner (SRO)

The power of data in Health and Social Care

The School for Change agents