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eWIN: Workforce Information Network

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Humber and North Yorkshire AHP Faculty Workforce Projects

RePAIR (Reducing Pre-Registration Attrition and Improving Retention) Newsletters

Values Based Competency Interview Questions for Clinical Roles

‘Better at Home’ - simulated learning for parents and carers

‘Fantastic’ - a new play from Pete Carruthers

1. Impact of the Assistant Practitioner Role

2. Information leaflets – Assistant Practitioners

2014 Adult IAPT Workforce Census Report

3. Ambassadors of the Assistant Practitioner role

4. Practice Documents

A Journey Towards World Class HR

A Non-Commissioned BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult) programme

A Postgraduate Diploma recognising the learning of healthcare leaders

A quick overview of 'Workforce Generations' Infographic

A Snapshot of the Volunteer Workforce Across the North West

A Supported Internship Programme in Salford

A Workforce Strategy to Improve Staff Engagement

Acute Physiotherapy Service, Improving Patient Flow and Experience

Advanced Practitioner Development Using Work-Based Learning Sets

Advancing Clinical Practice

Advancing Professional Education Through Health Information Systems (APE-THIS)

Agile Working

AHPs working differently: Adult Speech and Language Therapy Team

AHPs working differently: Aintree at home team

AHPs working differently: Assistant & Advanced roles in Radiography

AHPs working differently: Community Occupational Therapy Service

AHPs working differently: Crisis Response Team

AHPs working differently: Integrated Assessment Team

AHPs working differently: Integrated Community Care Teams

AHPs working differently: Integrated Therapy Teams

AHPs working differently: Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy

AHPs working differently: Proactive Elderly Care Team

AHPs working differently: Radiology Team

AHPs working differently: Rapid Response Team

AHPs working differently: Teleswallowing project

Alcohol ‘Identification and Brief Advice’ (IBA) Training

All Learners Celebration Event - an inter-professional learning opportunity

Altogether Now - A Legacy for Blackpool

An evaluation of 'House of Memories' pilot Train the Trainer Programme 2016

An innovative approach to bedside handovers

Applying a Knowledge Management Framework at This Time of NHS Transition

Applying public health learning in clinical practice through quality assurance event

Appreciative Leadership Development Programme

Apprenticeship Inspiring Story: Matthew Carlisle

Armed forces - e-learning programme launched

Arts Loco - using arts to enhance wellbeing

Assistant Practitioner (AP) Resources

Assistant Practitioners and Administering Medicines

Barriers to career development for black and minority eithnic NHS support workers

Building Learning & Development Excellence

Cadaveric Surgical Skills Workshop

Cancer Awareness Champions Promoting Cancer Awareness and Early Diagnosis

Career Engagement Event

Celebrating Interprofessional Learning Success Across the North West

Centre for Professional Workforce Development

Champs Public Health Collaborative

Cheshire and Merseyside Forerunner Bid

Cheshire and Merseyside Strategic Clinical Networks Work Plan

Clinical Leadership Development through Effective Collaboration with Lancaster University

Clock on 2 Health Programme

Code of Conduct and National Minimum Training Standards

Commissioner Led Peer Review

Community Assessment Training

Community Links

Community Volunteer Interpreter Project

CPD Apply: Electronic Application and Monitoring Tool for Continuing Professional Development

Critical Care’s Adaptation of “What Matters to You?” Conversations

Cumbria Lancs LWEG Papers 31/3/16

Dadly Does It

Data Quality: eQIPP-ing your workforce planning for the future

Data Verification – Care Plus Group

Delivering Stroke Specific Education and Training

Delivering the Health Visitor Implementation Plan 2011-2015: A Call to Action

Developing a Specialist Respiratory Placement for Student Nurses

Developing an HR Shared Service Organisation in the NHS

Developing Employability of Young People with Learning Difficulties

Developing Leadership Talent

Developing placements to support Pre-Registration Learning Disability Nurse students in Non NHS Organisations

Developing portfolio roles for GPs and sharing the lessons

Developing Psychiatrists as Medical Leaders

Developing Resilience in the Workforce: A Health Visiting Framework Guide

Developing student placements within a Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Developing student primary care placements

Developing the NWPDN as a placement for Pre-registration learners

Developing Together - Organisational Development Toolkit

Development of a Back Office Shared Service

Development of a Multi-Professional learner app

Development of a Trust-wide Workforce Information Dashboard

Development of an Accelerated Post-Registration Nursing Programme: from RN Adult to RN Child nursing

Doing Things Better Together

Early Career Networking – What can the North West AHP Network do for you?

Education Horizon-Scanning Bulletin - May 2015

Education Outcomes Framework

Effective Management Medical Rotas using a Rota Co-ordination Team

Effective Networks

Elearning Club Meeting 10 June 2015

Employment Progression Pathway

Empowering Your Ward Managers Work-based Learning Programme: Blackpool

Empowering Your Ward Managers Work-based Learning Programme: Lancaster University

Empowering, innovating and transforming using Electronic Service Record (ESR) self service

Enabling Workforce Transformation in General Practice

Enabling Workforce Transformation in General Practice - Manchester event

Enabling Workforce Transformation in General Practice - Preston event

End of Life Care - Competence Based Workforce Planning

End of Life Care Service Model

End of Life Care Training and Education in the North West

End of Life Care: Tools and Resources

Engagement and Wellbeing in the Workplace

Enhancing Patient Safety through Multi-Disciplinary In Situ Simulation

e-PAIGE: Web-based Resource for End of Life Care

Equality & Diversity Inclusion Unit

Equitable Placement Allocation for Orthoptic Students

eRostering using RosterPro Central

Event Overview: Attending the National Health and Wellbeing Conference

Every Body Matters - positive action for disabled NHS job applicants

Every Contact Counts - Public Health Workforce Development

Everyone Counts: Planning for Patients 2013/14 - Summary View

Evidence Briefs

Evidence Champions

eWIN Case Study Summary Form

eWIN User Survey Headlines

First Annual Yorkshire and Humber eLearning Awards

From Student Nurse to Practice Nurse Benefits of ATP scheme

General Practice Workforce Investment

Get Into Healthcare, NAViGO and TUKES

Get the World Moving - Global Corporate Challenge to Improve Employee Health and Productivity

Getting Ready for the Levy

Getting the Most out of ESR using Establishment Control Functionality

Global Health Exchange animation

Go with the FLO - Using FLO as an interactive information tool

GP Tool for HEYH Region

Graduate Management Flexi-Placement: Achieving Staff Engagement at United Utilities

Greater Manchester Forerunner Fund Bids

Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Devolution Briefing

Greater Merseyside Condition Management Programme

Growing Your Own - Public Health Workforce Leadership Development

Guidance Documentation: Health Education North West - Workforce Planning Round 2015-2016

Health and Wellbeing at Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust

Health and Wellbeing Outreach Programme delivered by Undergraduate Learners

Health Care Assistant Recruitment and Retention Initiative

Health Education North West - The North West Local Education and Training Board

Health Education North West - Workforce Planning Round 2015-2016

Health Education North West’s Apprenticeship Promise Celebration Event

Health Education North West’s Medical Careers Fair 2014

Health Education Yorskhire & the Humber Stakeholder Report - December 2013

Health Literacy Awareness Training

Health Promotion Programme

Health Visitors Call For Action

Health Visitors Event

Healthcare Assistant Development Programme for Paediatric Healthcare Support Workers

Healthcare Assistant Training at Mid Cheshire

Healthcare at HMP Styal

Healthcare Support Workers in Mental Health

HEE Workforce Planning Guidance 2015/16

High Impact Changes for Health and Wellbeing 1: Strong, Visible Leadership

High Impact Changes for Health and Wellbeing 2: Local Evidence-based Improvement Plans

High Impact Changes for Health and Wellbeing 3: Supported by Improved Management Capability

Horizon Scanning Bulletins: A Collaborative Project from NHS Librarians in the North West

How AHPs are working differently to support transformation of services in the North West

Human Book Club for Healthcare Learners

Impact of Placements on Retention: HENW event

Implementation of Dual Model Supervision

Improving Mental Wellbeing in a Mental Health Trust: A Mental Health Needs Assessment Process

Improving Pre and Post Registration Retention Event

Improving Staff and Volunteer Engagement at Age UK Cheshire East

Increasing capacity in ODP

Increasing Training and Appraisal Compliance

In-house Training Courses for Healthcare Assistants


Innovative Placement Allocation Model for Pre-Registration Student Nurses

Inspirational Story: Healthcare Apprenticeships in GP practices

Integrated Care - North West demonstrator sites

Integrated Care Workforce Demonstrator Site Showcase Event

Integrating EOLC Competencies into Community Staff Appraisals

International Healthcare - Volunteering for Individuals and Healthcare Organisations

Inter-professional Learning Student Study Day

Inter-professional Oncology Study Day

Introducing Simulation within the Skills for Health Academy’s Multi-Professional Cadet Scheme

IPE Evaluation Report in Yorkshire and the Humber

IPS Supports Stockport Residents with Severe and Enduring Mental Illness into Paid Employment

Keeping Me Safe and Well (KMSAW) Screen

Leading for Success

Learners: Supporting their involvement in Enabling Quality Surveillance

Learning Matters Awards 2017 - Case Study series

Learning Needs Analysis Framework - Evaluation

LETB Celebration Event

LETB Celebration Event

Let's Celebrate Healthcare Assistants: Compassionate Care in Practice Course

Life Happens - Mindfulness Workshops at NHS North West

Liverpool Clinical Laboratories Traineeship Programme - Widening Participation in Action

Looking After Me, Looking After You

Making a Difference - Fostering Staff Engagement to Improve Staff Health and Wellbeing

Making Every Contact Count: Public Health eLearning Programme

Management Development Programme

Managing eRostering & Scheduled Events with DRS Realtime

Managing Sickness Absence - A Holistic Approach

Manchester IPS Pilot gets People with Severe Mental Health Problems Into Jobs

Mental Health Service Users' Involvement in Staff Training

Mentor Toolkit to support Mental Health and Wellbeing

Merseyside Personal Health Budgets Pilot

Mindfulness and Work Preparedness Pilot

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy Improves Staff Wellbeing

Modernising Scientific Careers: Practitioner Workforce Development

Modernising Scientific Careers: The Cardiac Scientist Role and its Impact within the NHS

Modernising Scientific Careers: Workforce Evolution in Progress

Multi-Dimensional Community Clinical Leadership Programme

Multi-professional Educational Audit and Monitoring Tool

Multi-Professional Preceptorship in Cumbria

Multi-professional Student Study Days

National General Practice Profiles


Network Employment - Supporting Individuals with Experience of Mental Ill Health into Employment

New Model of School Nursing - for the North West

Newly Qualified Nurses Employed in Primary Care - an Enhanced Training Practice (ETP) example

NHS Apprenticeships in the North West

NHS Bursaries

NHS Challenge - A Year of Games

NHS Corporate Citizenship and 'Inspiring young minds' : Blackpool

NHS Corporate Citizenship and 'Inspiring young minds': Manchester

NHS International Conference - Recruiting for the Values of the NHS

NHS Library Information Services in the North West

NHS Library Information Services in the Yorkshire and Humber

NHS North West Corporate Games 2011

NHS North West's Apprenticeship Promise Launch

NHS Values and Behaviors Web Based Tool

Non-medical prescribing in radiotherapy

North of England Health Visiting Celebrate Share and Learn event

North West Adult Learners Week Awards for Health and Social Care 2014

North West AHP Workforce and Education Report

North West Education Commissioning Plan - Refresh 2012/13 to 2014/15 Consultation

North West Education Commissioning Plan 2013/14 to 2015/16

North West ESR BIG SIG

North West ESR BIG SIG (Special Interest Group) 19.9.17

North West ESR BIG SIG: Tuesday 20th June 2017, Haydock Park

North West Health Care Libraries Unit (HCLU) Operational Plan

North West Healthcare Science Trainee Network Board (NW HCS TNB) resources

North West Junior Doctor Advisory Team (JDAT)

North West Population Health & Prevention Network

North West Stakeholder Forum

North West Workforce Modernisation Dashboard: Factsheet

North West Workforce Planning 2014/15 to 2018/2019

NW Pharmacy Workforce Development Annual Report 2014

Occupational Health Service Improvement

Online Student Placement Choose and Book System

Opportunities for Workforce Development

Orthoptics - An invisible profession?

Overseas Recruitment Project


Partnership Working to Deliver Workforce Qualifications

Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) Programme

Person centered staff training to address the challenging behavior of adults with autism

Person Shaped Support and Primary Development – Brownlow Hill Medical Practice and Enhanced Training Practice

Personalisation of Adult Social Care

Physiotherapy Spinal ‘Drop-in’ Service

Piloting of the Care Certificate in the North West

Piloting the Core Skills in General Practice

Placement Retention

Population Health and Prevention Conference 2018

Preceptee experiences and the role of the Preceptorship Facilitator

Preceptorship - Why is this a Hot Topic?

Preceptorship Network Development - Half day event 30th November 2016

Preparing student nurses for NMC revalidation

Preventing device-related pressure ulcers

Primary Care Intelligence and Demand Project

Primary Care: An Enhanced Training Practice (ETP) example

Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund Pilots: Innovative workforce Solutions

Principles of Good Practice when establishing health and wellbeing outreach work in school settings

Pro-active Occupational Health Services Improving Staff Health and Attendance

Professional Mental Health Network

Project Oscer - Towards A Paperless HR Department

Promoting Healthy Eating Through Local Businesses

Promoting, Enabling and Supporting Simulation-based Education for the Benefit of Patients

Prosthetists and Orthotists - Education Framework, Preceptorship and Career Framework Guide

Providing Enhanced Speech and Language Therapy Using Computer Technology

Quality Assuring Health & Wellbeing Content in Healthcare Education Curricula – an Innovative Approach

Raising Awareness of Knowledge Management and Knowledge Sharing

Rapid Access Physiotherapy: Reducing Musculoskeletal Sickness Absence

Real Life Learning - A Practice Based Learning Support Programme for Student Nurses

Recipe for Workforce Planning launched

Redeployment of Staff Affected by Service Reconfiguration

Reducing Long-term Absenteeism

Reducing Nursing Placement Attrition

Release - Leadership Development Programme

Releasing Potential: Leadership Programme for Research and Development Managers

Report on Domiciliary Care - "Who’s looking after Uncle Albert?"

Resident Shift Working Consultants

Resources for all NW STP and PTP trainees

Revalidation - The countdown begins

Rewarding and Recognising Staff Contributions in Challenging Times

Role of the Trainer: Promoting, supporting and enabling training excellence

Roll Out of ESR Self-Service to Junior Doctors Placed Within Trusts

Safe Medicines Management Training

Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust's Performance Framework

School Age Pathway for Children with Autism Spectrum Conditions

School Nursing and Obesity - Beyond the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP)

Second Annual Workforce Plan for England

Seconding a Specialist Practitioner in Mental Health into an Integrated Discharge Team

Setting up a mediation service at Lancashire Teaching NHS Foundation Trust

Shared HR Services in Greater Manchester

Shared Values: A Value Based Training Practice programme for Health Care Assistants and Support Workers

Shine Programme - Addressing Musculoskeletal Sickness Absence

Sickness Absence Reporting Methodologies Tracking the QIPP Challenge

Singing for people with long-term illnesses

Skill Mix to Support Productivity

Skill Mix: Re-profiling the North West Workforce

Skills for Care and Skills for Health - Carers Matter

Skills for Care Introduction to the Common Core Principles

Skills for Health Academy North West

Skills for Life

SNAP: Numeracy Assessment and Education

Social Enterprises in the North West

Sports and Activity Challenges at Calderstone

Spotlight on the NHS North West Healthcare Science Network

Staff Perceptions Count in Developing a Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Stakeholder Engagement using Social Media

STEMTECH Careers Event

Stockport FT's Occupational Health Department - Hub and Spoke Model

Strategic Approach to Inter-professional Learning in Stockport

Strategic Context for End of Life Care

Student Engagement Forum

Student Mentor Practice Guide for the Assistant Practitioner Foundation Degree Programme

Student nurse Infection Prevention and Control Management

Student Nurse Placements at St. Ann’s Hospice

Student Nurses: Capturing their views and aspirations around patient care

Student Paramedic placements in General Practice

Student Quality Ambassador Scheme

Student Quality Ambassadors in the North West

Study Day to Encourage the Adoption of NHS Values Amongst Students

Successful Monitoring of Junior Doctors’ Hours at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust

Supervision of Midwives Clinic

Supported Computerised Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (cCBT)

Supporting Bereaved Relatives Training for Porters

Supporting Community Pharmacists to Self-declare Competence

Supporting Learners in Practice Multi-Professional Workshop

Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs)

Tackling Absence Management

Tate Liverpool: Opening Doors

The Apprenticeship Levy

The breast imaging and diagnostic workforce in the United Kingdom

The Cheshire HR Shared Service Approach to Health and Wellbeing

The experience of a Preceptor participating in a Multi-professional Preceptorship Programme

The Francis Report - Dean Royles’ Briefing

The Implementation of a Coaching for Quality Strategy in Mid Cheshire Hospitals

The National Workforce Assurance Tool

The NHS North West Leadership Academy: Developing Leaders to Transform the Future of Health

The Prince’s Trust Get into Healthcare

The Psychological Professions Network (PPN North West)

The Role of the Care and Comfort Assistant in Enhancing Quality

Thrombolysis Telestroke Service Out of Hours Solution to Stroke

Train the Simulated Patient (2TSP) Education Resources

Training and Education for Domiciliary Care Staff in End of Life Care

Transfer to ESR Payroll System by Shared Service Payroll Provider

Transforming Community Services (TCS) and the Electronic Staff Record (ESR)

Transforming Learning Environments (TLE) - It Matters

Transforming Learning Environments Contact Details

Transforming Learning Environments Phase 1

Transforming Learning Environments resources

Transforming lives through community health seminars

Transforming Workforce in Partnership to Achieve Integrated Care

Trust pioneers new apprenticeship scheme

Using Simulation to Assist in the Reduction of Drug Errors and Improve Patient Safety

Using the Hartman Value Profile Tool to Embed Values and Behaviours

Validate your Care (V-Care) - Nursing Knowledge Assessment Tool 'Designed by nurses for nurses'

Value-Focused Trust Induction Programme

Values Based Competency Interview Questions for Clinical Roles

Values Based Recruitment

Vocational Training

Vulnerable Baby Service

Why is Health Visiting a Hot Topic?

Widening Participation in Action at Salford Royal

Work Well: The Walton Way

Workforce Development Funding Update

Workforce for the Future: Portfolio Careers to Address Workforce Gaps

Workforce Information Sources

Workforce planning and related data sources across the public sector - a signposting tool

Workforce Transformation Booklet

Workforce Transformation Poster Series

Working Together to Build Public Health Capacity and Capability

WRaPT Update

Yorkshire & Humber ESR Self Service Event

Yorkshire & the Humber Apprentice Profile - Emma Handley

Yorkshire & the Humber Apprentice Profile - Gavin Hunter

Yorkshire & the Humber Apprentice Profile - Richard Evans

Yorkshire & the Humber Rising Stars and NVQ Award Winner

Yorkshire & the Humber Traineeship Profile - Karina North

Youth Health Leaders in Blackpool Schools